If Mautic isn’t sending emails, it can critically impact your marketing campaigns. This guide helps you troubleshoot and resolve this issue with detailed steps and checks.

  1. Check Email Configuration:
    • Navigate to Settings > Configuration > Email Settings.
    • Verify that the SMTP settings are correct. Ensure the SMTP server, port, encryption (SSL/TLS), and authentication credentials are accurate.
      SMTP Server: smtp.example.com
      Port: 587
      Encryption: TLS
      Username: your-username
      Password: your-password
  2. Verify SMTP Server:
    • Ensure that the SMTP server is reachable. You can use tools like telnet to test connectivity: telnet smtp.example.com 587
    • If you can’t connect, check if your server is blocking the port or if there are issues with the SMTP server itself.
  3. Review Mautic Logs:
    • Check Mautic’s log files located in var/logs/ for any email-related errors. Look for entries that indicate issues with sending emails.
  4. Test with Different Provider:
    • If the problem persists, try configuring a different SMTP provider (e.g., Gmail, SendGrid) to see if the issue is specific to the current provider.
  5. Check Email Queues:
    • Verify if there are any emails stuck in the queue. You can use the following command to view the email queue:
    php bin/console mautic:email:send

By following these steps, you can identify and resolve issues that prevent Mautic from sending emails, ensuring your campaigns are delivered successfully.