Plugin conflicts in Mautic can disrupt system functionality. This guide provides practical tips for managing and resolving plugin conflicts.

  1. Disable Plugins:
    • Disable plugins one by one to identify if a specific plugin is causing the conflict. You can do this through the Mautic UI or by renaming the plugin directory in plugins/.
  2. Verify Plugin Compatibility:
    • Check if the plugins are compatible with your Mautic version. Visit the plugin’s documentation or website for compatibility information.
  3. Review Plugin Logs:
    • Examine any logs generated by plugins for errors or conflicts. Look for plugin-specific logs or errors in var/logs/.
  4. Reach Out for Support:
    • Contact plugin developers or the Mautic community for support if conflicts persist. They may offer solutions or updates to resolve issues.
  5. Update Plugins:
    • Ensure that all plugins are updated to their latest versions. Sometimes, updates can resolve compatibility issues.

By following these tips, you can manage and resolve conflicts between Mautic plugins, ensuring smooth operation.