If Mautic campaign actions aren’t executing as expected, it can impact your automation efforts. This guide outlines the steps to troubleshoot and resolve issues with campaign actions.

  1. Review Campaign Configuration:
    • Ensure that the actions defined in the campaign are correctly set up. Check that each action is linked to the appropriate triggers and conditions.
  2. Check Campaign Triggers:
    • Verify that the triggers for campaign actions are functioning correctly. Test if the conditions for triggering actions are met.
  3. Verify Cron Jobs:
    • Ensure that cron jobs for campaign actions are configured and running. Check if the relevant cron jobs are set up and functioning:
    * * * * * php /path/to/mautic/app/console mautic:campaigns:update
    * * * * * php /path/to/mautic/app/console mautic:campaigns:trigger
  4. Inspect Logs:
    • Review logs in the var/logs/ directory for errors related to campaign actions. Look for any relevant error messages that could indicate issues.
  5. Test Actions Manually:
    • Try triggering the actions manually to see if they execute correctly. Use the command line to test:
    php bin/console mautic:campaigns:trigger

By following these steps, you can troubleshoot and resolve issues with Mautic campaign actions, ensuring your campaigns run smoothly.