WordPress hooks (actions and filters) allow you to modify and extend functionality without altering core files. This guide explains how to use hooks effectively in your WordPress plugin development.

  1. Understand Action Hooks:
    • Action hooks allow you to add or modify functionality at specific points in WordPress. Use do_action('hook_name') in WordPress core or themes to trigger your custom functions.
  2. Implement Action Hooks:
    • Add your custom function and hook it to an action using add_action:
  3. Understand Filter Hooks:
    • Filter hooks allow you to modify data before it is used or displayed. Use apply_filters('hook_name', $value) to apply filters to data.
  4. Implement Filter Hooks:
    • Add your custom function and hook it to a filter using add_filter:

By utilizing WordPress hooks, you can extend and customize your plugin’s functionality effectively.